4:00 p.m. To Proceed In Camera, Reconvene Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m.


That the meeting be closed to the public in order to deal with agenda items under the Community Charter:

Section 90(1) A part of the Council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:

(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;

(c) labour relations or other employee relations;

(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;

(n) the consideration of whether a Council meeting should be closed under a provision of this subsection or subsection (2); and,

 Community Charter Section 90(2):

(b) the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the municipality and a provincial government or the federal government or both, or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party.

Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held in the Shaw Auditorium, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Tuesday, 2021-SEP-21, at 4:30 p.m.

Mayor Krog to present the Freedom of the City Award to Diane Brennan.

[10 minute recess to follow the presentation.]

George Anderson, President, and Samantha Letourneau, Executive Director, Literacy Central Vancouver Island, to provide Council with an overview of Literacy Central Vancouver Island's 30 years in operation. 

[Note:  PowerPoint presentation to be distributed on the Addendum.]

Karen Lindsay, Manager, Emergency Program, to provide Council with a PowerPoint presentation regarding Emergency Preparedness Month.

[Note:  PowerPoint presentation to be distributed on the Addendum.]

Minutes from the Special Mayor's Leaders' Table Meeting held virtually, on Friday, 2021-JUN-18, at 9:30 a.m.

Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness held in the Boardroom, Service and Resource Centre, 411 Dunsmuir Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Wednesday, 2021-JUN-23, at 4:00 p.m.

Minutes of the Finance and Audit Committee Meeting held in the Shaw Auditorium, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Wednesday, 2021-JUL-21, at 9:00 a.m.

Minutes of the Governance and Priorities Committee Meeting held in the Shaw Auditorium, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Monday, 2021-JUL-26, 2:00 p.m.

Minutes of the Governance and Priorities Committee Meeting held in the Shaw Auditorium, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Monday, 2021-SEP-27, at 1:00 p.m.

[Note:  A link to the 2021-SEP-22 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting agenda is attached for information.]

That Council approve the request from the Salish Storm Hockey Association for a Community Program Development Grant in the amount of $4,500 to assist in funding the Storm the Ice program.

[Note:  A link to the 2021-SEP-27 Governance and Priorities Committee Agenda is attached for information.]

  1. That Council direct staff to draft amendments to “Sign Bylaw 1987 No. 2850” and “Traffic and Highways Regulation Bylaw 1993 No. 5000” to remove references to political signage and incorporate the regulations into a single comprehensive Political Signage Bylaw.

  2. That Council include the following provision within the new Political Signage Bylaw:
    “Election/political signage, as authorized by the Corporate Officer, may be placed on public or private property 30 days prior to an election or referendum and must be removed by the next working day following the electoral event.”

  3. That Council direct staff to retain the status quo of not limiting the number of political signs per candidate.

To be introduced by Dale Lindsay, General Manager, Development Services.

Purpose:  To present for Council’s consideration, a development variance permit to allow the addition of an LED sign on an existing freestanding sign at 508 Eighth Street.

It is requested that Council hear anyone wishing to speak with respect to DVP425 - 508 Eighth Street.

Recommendation:  That Council issue Development Variance Permit No. DVP425 at 508 Eighth Street with a variance to allow an LED sign.  

To be introduced by Dale Lindsay, General Manager, Development Services.

Purpose:  To present Council with an application to amend an existing liquor licence at Unit 2, 75 Front Street.


1. Sonia Komen, The Nanaimo Bar.

Recommendation:  That Council recommend the Liquor and Cannabis Regulations Branch approve the application for Unit 2, 75 Front Street (The Nanaimo Bar) to amend their liquor licence to permit the hours of operation to be 10 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. seven days per week.

To be introduced by Sheila Gurrie, Director, Legislative Services.

Purpose:  To present options for the 2022 Acting Mayor Schedule and request that Council select one of the options presented in the report.

Recommendation:  That Council select an Acting Mayor rotation for the 2022 Acting Mayor Schedule.

To be introduced by Sheila Gurrie, Director, Legislative Services.

Purpose:  To present Council with a Council Procedure Bylaw Amendment which would authorize the holding of electronic meetings (in certain circumstances) once the authority to hold electronic meetings under Ministerial Order M192 expires, authority to expand the number of Council or Committee members that could participate remotely, and to add an extra meeting in July to the Council meeting schedule.


  1. That “Council Procedure Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2021 No. 7272.03” (To authorize the holding of electronic meetings and remote participation by Council members) pass first reading.
  2. That “Council Procedure Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2021 No. 7272.03) pass second reading.
  3. That “Council Procedure Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2021 No. 7272.03” pass third reading.

To be introduced by Sheila Gurrie, Director, Legislative Services.

Purpose:  To provide Council with information regarding the “Appointments to the Board of Directors of the Regional District of Nanaimo” policy which guides Council when appointing Municipal Directors to the Regional District of Nanaimo Board.


That Council repeal Council Policy Number COU-138 (Appointments to the Board of Directors of the Regional District of Nanaimo) and appoint Municipal Directors based on Section 198 of the Local Government Act which is at the pleasure of Council from amongst its members;


That Council appoint the following eight (8) members of Council (insert names here) as Municipal Directors to the Regional District Board, and appoint (insert name here) as the Alternate, for a term ending 2022-OCT-14, with votes to correspond as follows:

  • The Mayor – 5 votes
  • The four “appointed” Councillors with the highest number of votes received at the election to be allocated 5 votes each; and
  • The three remaining “appointed” Councillors to be allocated 4 votes each.

To be introduced by Dale Lindsay, General Manager, Development Services.

Purpose:  To introduce “Business Licence Bylaw 2021 No. 7318” and “Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw 2021 No. 7041.03” as recommended by the Governance and Priorities Committee at its meeting on 2021-JUL-12.

Recommendation:  That

  • “Business Licence Bylaw 2021 No. 7318” (To regulate the operation of businesses within the city of Nanaimo) pass first reading;
  • “Business Licence Bylaw 2021 No. 7318” pass second reading;
  • “Business Licence Bylaw 2021 No. 7318” pass third reading;
  • “Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw 2021 No. 7041.03” (To add business licence fees) pass first reading;
  • “Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw 2021 No. 7041.03” pass second reading; and
  • “Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw 2021 No. 7041.03” pass third reading.

To be introduced by Sheila Gurrie, Director, Legislative Services.

Purpose:  To replace the fine schedule within the Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw to reflect the new Business Licence Bylaw provisions. 


  1. That “Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw 2021 No. 7159.13” (To replace the fine schedule for the Business Licence Regulation Bylaw) pass first reading;
  2. That “Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw 2021 No. 7159.13” pass second reading;
  3. That “Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw 2021 No. 7159.13” pass third reading.

To be introduced by Laura Mercer, Director, Finance.

Purpose:  To introduce “Property Tax Exemption Bylaw 2021 No. 7332”, for first, second and third readings.


  1. That “Property Tax Exemption Bylaw 2021 No. 7332” (To provide exemption from 2022 property taxes) pass first reading;
  2. That “Property Tax Exemption Bylaw 2021 No. 7332” pass second reading; and,
  3. That “Property Tax Exemption Bylaw 2021 No. 7332” pass third reading.


That “Parks, Recreation and Culture Regulation Amendment Bylaw 2021 No. 7073.08” (To remove sections that will be administered under the Animal Responsibility Bylaw and replace the Violation and Penalty section) be adopted.

That “Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw 2021 No. 7159.12” (To amend the fine schedule for the Parks, Recreation and Culture Bylaw and add a fine schedule for the Animal Responsibility Bylaw)  be adopted.

That "Climate Action Reserve Fund Bylaw 2021 No. 7330" (To establish a Climate Action Reserve Fund) be adopted.

That “Property Tax Exemption Bylaw (Island Corridor Foundation) 2021 No. 7331” (To provide a 10-Year Permissive Tax exemption, 2022 to 2031 inclusive) be adopted.

No Item Selected