

That the meeting be closed to the public in order to deal with agenda items under the Community Charter:

Section 90(1) A part of the Council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:

(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;

(c) labour relations or other employee relations; and,

(n) the consideration of whether a Council meeting should be closed under a provision of this subsection or subsection (2).

Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held in the Shaw Auditorium, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Monday, 2020-MAR-02, at 4:30 p.m.

Minutes of the Special Council Meeting (Public Hearing) held in the Shaw Auditorium, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Thursday, 2020-MAR-05, at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held in the Boardroom, Service and Resource Centre, 411 Dunsmuir Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Monday, 2020-MAR-09, at 11:00 a.m.

Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held in the Shaw Auditorium, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Monday, 2020-MAR-16 at 4:30 p.m.

Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held in the Shaw Auditorium, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Wednesday, 2020-MAR-18, at 9:00 a.m.

To be introduced by Bill Sims, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works.

Purpose:  To provide Council with an opportunity to repair and restore sidewalks that have localized tree root damage in the Downtown.

Recommendation:  That Council direct Staff to complete sidewalk / tree repairs at the prioritized locations in the Downtown in 2020. 

To be introduced by Bill Sims, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works.

Purpose:  To provide Council with the City of Nanaimo’s inaugural Solid Waste Summary Report for 2019.


1.  Kirsten Gellein, Zero Waste Coordinator

To be introduced by Dale Lindsay, General Manager, Development Services.

Purpose:  To present for Council’s consideration a development permit application for a proposed multi-family development at 6117 Uplands Drive.


  1. David Fawley, Denciti Development Corp.

Recommendation:  That Council issue Development Permit No. DP1155 for the property at 6117 Uplands Drive with a variance to increase the building height from 14m to 15.85m.

To be introduced by Dale Lindsay, General Manager, Development Services.

Purpose:  To present for Council’s consideration, a development permit application to permit the replacement of an existing boatshed at the Nanaimo Yacht Club at 400 Newcastle Avenue.

Recommendation:  That Council issue Development Permit No. DP1167 at 400 Newcastle Avenue with the following variance:

  • to reduce the minimum required side yard setback from 6m to 0m on the south property line for the proposed boatshed building.


That “Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2019 No. 4500.134” (To rezone 1534 Extension Road from Single Dwelling Residential [R1] to Townhouse Residential [R6] with site-specific provisions to increase the maximum permitted floor area ratio) be adopted.

That “Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2020 No. 4500.149” (To amend the home-based business
regulations) be adopted.

That “Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2019 No. 4500.156” (To rezone 4961 Songbird Place from Single Dwelling Residential [R1] to Residential Corridor [COR1]) be adopted.

The FCM and UBCM are requesting that Council give consideration of a voluntary contribution of $950.29 to support the participation of elected officials from small communities at FCM Board and Standing Committee meetings.

Correspondence from Councillor Carl Jensen, President, AVICC, to invite the City of Nanaimo to reschedule it's hosting of the AVICC Convention from 2020 to 2021.

At the 2020-APR-01 Special Council Meeting Councillor Bonner brought forward the following motion for consideration:

"That the City of Nanaimo send updates two times each week to the Nanaimo Homelessness Coalition regarding the latest development around solutions and ask Island Health and BC Housing to participate in those updates via the City of Nanaimo."

At the 2020-APR-01 Special Council Meeting Council Bonner brought forward the following motion for consideration:

“That correspondence be sent to the Hon. Judy Darcy, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, reiterating the City of Nanaimo’s willingness to be a test site for innovative approaches to addressing mental health and addiction challenges.”