4:30 p.m. To Proceed In Camera, Reconvene the Special Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m.


That the meeting be closed to the public in order to deal with agenda items under the Community Charter:

Section 90(1) A part of the Council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:

(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
(b) personal information about an identifiable individual who is being considered for a municipal award or honour, or who has offered to provide a gift to the municipality on condition of anonymity;
(c) labour relations or other employee relations;
(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the Council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; and,
(n) the consideration of whether a Council meeting should be closed under a provision of this subsection or subsection (2).

To be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services. 

Purpose:  To introduce “Public Works Yard Updates Borrowing Bylaw No. 7386”, for first, second and third readings.

Recommendation:  That:

  1. “Public Works Yard Updates Borrowing Bylaw No. 7386” (To authorize the borrowing of up to $90,000,000 for the construction of the Public Works Yard Updates), pass first reading;
  2. “Public Works Yard Updates Borrowing Bylaw No. 7386” pass second reading; and,
  3.  “Public Works Yard Updates Borrowing Bylaw No. 7386” pass third reading.

To be introduced by Sheila Gurrie, Director, Legislative Services. 

Purpose:  To obtain Council approval to proceed with an Alternative Approval Process for the borrowing of up to $90,000,000 for Public Works Yard updates.

Recommendation:  That Council:

  1. direct the Corporate Officer to proceed with an Alternative Approval Process for the borrowing of up to $90,000,000 for Public Works Yard updates;
  2. determine the total number of electors of the area to which the approval process applies (the whole of the City of Nanaimo) to be 79,736;
  3. establish a deadline of 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, 2024-OCT-31 for receiving elector responses for the Alternative Approval Process in relation to the “Public Works Yard Updates Borrowing Bylaw 2024 No. 7386”; and,
  4. approve the draft Elector Response Form as attached to the Staff report dated 2024-JUL-29.

To be introduced by Sheila Gurrie, Director, Legislative Services. 

Purpose:  To provide Council with a proposed Communication and Engagement Strategy for the Public Works Yard alternative approval process (AAP).

Recommendation:  That Council endorse the draft Public Works Yard AAP Communication and Engagement Strategy as outlined in Attachment B of the report titled “Public Works Yard AAP Communication and Engagement Strategy" dated 2024-JUL-29.

To be introduced by Jeremy Holm, Director, Planning and Development. 

[Note:  A copy of the report titled "Liquor Licence Application No. LA156 - 2373 Rosstown Road", date 2024-JUL-08, is attached for reference.] 

It is requested that Council hear anyone wishing to speak with respect to Liquor Licence Application No. LA156 - 2373 Rosstown Road.

To be introduced by Jeremy Holm, Director, Planning and Development. 

Purpose:  To seek Council’s recommendation regarding a Cannabis Retail Store referral at 50 Tenth Street.

Recommendation:  That Council recommend to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch that license application number 090455 for a Cannabis Retail Store at Unit 114 – 50 Tenth Street be issued.

To be introduced by Jeremy Holm, Director, Planning and Development.

Purpose:  To seek direction from Council regarding Rezoning Application No. RA498 to correct an administrative error.

Recommendation:  That Council:

  1. rescind the conditions related to “Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2024 No. 4500.227” as presented on 2024-JUL-08; and,
  2. direct Staff to secure the conditions related to “Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2024 No. 4500.227” as outlined in the “Conditions of Rezoning” section of the Staff Report dated 2024-JUL-29 prior to final adoption.

To be introduced by Bill Sims, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works. 

Purpose:  To provide Council with an update on the end of trip facilities toolkit, and to seek approval to fund the installation.


  1.  Jamie Rose, Manager, Transportation

Recommendation:  That Council:

  1. Direct Staff to amend the 2024- 2028 Financial Plan to add $17,000 in 2024 to finalize the end of trip facilities toolkit funded from Special Initiatives Reserve.
  2. Direct Staff to amend the 2024-2028 Financial Plan to add $75,000 per year for 2024, 2025 and 2026 for secure bike parking funded from the Climate Action Reserve Fund.

To be introduced by Bill Sims, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works. 

Purpose:  Proposed amendments to the "Traffic and Highways Regulation Bylaw 1993 No. 5000" to regulate micromobility devices.

Recommendation:  That:

  1. “Traffic and Highways Regulation Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024 No. 5000.048” (micromobility traffic and safety on highways) pass first reading;
  2. “Traffic and Highways Regulation Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024 No. 5000.048” pass second reading; and,
  3. “Traffic and Highways Regulation Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2024 No. 5000.048” pass third reading.

To be introduced by Sheila Gurrie, Director, Legislative Services.

Purpose:  To assign fines for violations associated with the new scooter provisions as outlined in Traffic and Highways Regulation Amendment Bylaw 5000.048.

Recommendation:  That:

  1. “Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw 2024 No. 7159.22” (fines for micromobility devices) pass first reading;
  2. “Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw 2024 No. 7159.22” pass second reading.
  3. “Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw 2024 No. 7159.22” pass third reading.  

To be introduced by Richard Harding, General Manager, Community Services/Deputy CAO.

Purpose:  To present options for adding an additional accessible washroom at Westwood Lake Park beyond what is already included in the capital project design and obtain direction to implement Council’s preferred option.


  1. Michael Lonsdale, Senior Project Manager

Recommendation:  That Council direct Staff to proceed with Option 3 – Convert One Non-Accessible Washroom into One Accessible Washroom and increase the 2024 project budget by $100,000 funded by $35,000 from the City Wide Parks DCC Reserve Fund and $65,000 from the Special Initiatives Reserve.

To be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services. 

Purpose:  To enter into an agreement with the Union of BC Municipalities for receipt of Community Works funding under the Canada Community-Building Agreement.

Recommendation:  That Council authorize the Mayor and Corporate Officer to sign the 2024 - 2034 Community Works Fund Agreement. 



That “Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2024 No. 4500.229” (update to Interim Corridor Area) be adopted. 

That "Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw 2024, No. 7336.10" (a bylaw to amend the Police Services (R.C.M.P.) fees for criminal records checks and fingerprinting) be adopted. 

At the 2024-JUL-22 Regular Council Meeting, Councillor Thorpe advised that he will be bringing forward the following motion for consideration:

"That, beginning in September, 2024, the Systems Planning Organization and the Nanaimo Prosperity Corporation, provide quarterly reports to City Council on their activities."

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