To be introduced by Dale Lindsay, General Manager, Development Services/Deputy CAO.
Purpose: To present proposed amendments to the City of Nanaimo’s Zoning Bylaw and new parking variance criteria to create more family-friendly housing in Nanaimo, and to seek direction regarding community consultation.
- Lisa Brinkman, Manager, Community Planning.
[Note: Gerry Mulholland, Mulholland Parker Land Economists Ltd., in attendance via Zoom to answer questions.]
Recommendation: That the Governance and Priorities Committee recommend Council direct Staff to proceed with community consultation for the proposed amendments to the “City of Nanaimo Zoning Bylaw 2011 No. 4500”, and new parking variance criteria to create more family-friendly housing in Nanaimo as outlined in the 2023-JUN-12 Staff report titled “Family-Friendly Housing Regulation and Policy.”