

[Note:  This meeting will be live streamed and video recorded for the public.]

Minutes of the Finance and Audit Committee Meeting held in the Shaw Auditorium, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Wednesday, 2024-APR-17, at 9:00 a.m.

To be introduced by Jeremy Holm, Director, Planning and Development.

Purpose:  To present to the Finance and Audit Committee the recommended Community Environmental Sustainability Project Grant allocations for the 2024 spring intake.

Recommendation:  That the Finance and Audit Committee recommend that Council approve a total of $20,000 in accordance with the Community Environmental Sustainability Project Grant Guidelines and Criteria as attached, and that the grant allocations be as follows:

  1. Light House Sustainability Society - $2,500
    Project:  Building Material Exchange (BMEx)
  2. Departure Bay Neighbourhood Association - $800
    Project:  DBNA Environmental Engagement
  3. Altrusa Club of Nanaimo - $5,000
    Project:  Nurture Nature
  4. Nanaimo Foodshare - $2,800
    Project:  Compost Revitalization Project
  5. Nanaimo Old City Association with the Harewood Neighbourhood Association and Dover Community Association - $1,600
    Project:  Thermal Imaging and Home Energy Reduction Neighbourhood Project
  6. Rock City Neighbourhood Association - $4,800
    Project:  Seed to Table Workshop
  7. South End Eco Development Cooperative - $2,500
    Project:  The Toolshare Project

To be introduced by Richard Harding, General Manager, Community Services/Deputy CAO.

Purpose:  To obtain Council approval for a Community Program Development Grant (the “Grant”).

Recommendation:  That the Finance and Audit Committee recommend that Council approve the request from the Nanaimo Division of Family Practice for a Community Program Development Grant in the amount of $6,120 to assist in funding their Social Prescribing pilot program.

To be introduced by Richard Harding, General Manager, Community Services/Deputy CAO.

Purpose:  To allocate the funds for the Community Watershed Restoration Grants (the “Grant”) for this year.

Recommendation:  That the Finance and Audit Committee recommend that Council approve a total of $17,366 of the $20,000 allocated for the 2024 Community Watershed Restoration Grant as follows: 

Applicant Name: Antler Swamp Restoration Group
- Project: Restoration of Antler Swamp in Smuggler’s Park
- Recommended: $3,500 

Applicant Name: Nanaimo Area Land Trust
- Project: Cottle Creek Stream Flow
- Recommended: $2,960

Applicant Name: Nanaimo Area Land Trust
- Project: Joseph Creek Riparian Restoration
- Recommended: $1,700

Applicant Name: Dover Bay Outdoor Education Program
- Project: Rutherford Ravine Park Native Plant Restoration
- Recommended: $1,400

Applicant Name: Pacific Garden Cohousing
- Project: Watershed/Wildlife Habitat Restoration
- Recommended: $4,006

Applicant Name: Wellington Action Committee
- Project: Diver Lake Park Watershed Protection
- Recommended: $3,800

Applicant Name: Wildcoast Ecological Society
- Project: Nanaimo Natural Areas Education and Stewardship
- Not Recommended: Staff recommendation is to not proceed with funding until more information can be obtained.

To be introduced by Richard Harding, General Manager, Community Services/Deputy CAO.

Purpose:  To advise the Finance and Audit Committee that the City has submitted a grant application to the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage - Community Anniversaries Program for a community event to recognize Nanaimo’s 150 years of incorporation. 

To be introduced by Richard Harding, General Manager, Community Services/Deputy CAO.

Purpose:  To request a financial commitment from Council to bid for the 2026 Canadian Sport Events Congress.

Recommendation:  That the Finance and Audit Committee recommend that Council approve a bid and allocate $90,000 in the 2024 - 2028 Financial Plan, funded from the Special Initiatives Reserve, to host the 2026 Canadian Sport Events Congress in Nanaimo.

To be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services.

Purpose:  To present the 2023 Statement of Financial Information for acceptance by the Finance and Audit Committee.

Recommendation:  That the Finance and Audit Committee recommend that Council accept the 2023 Statement of Financial Information for filing with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

To be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services.

Purpose:  To provide information in compliance with the City’s Procurement Policy (COU-209) regarding single and sole source purchases, awards in excess of $250,000 and policy non compliance for the period 2024-JAN-01 to 2024-MAR-31.