

[Note:  This meeting will be live streamed and video recorded for the public.]

Minutes of the Finance and Audit Committee held in the Shaw Auditorium, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Wednesday, 2024-JUL-17, at 9:00 a.m.

To be introduced by Jeremy Holm, Director, Planning and Development.

Purpose: To seek Finance and Audit Committee’s approval to fund a term position in the Sustainability Section.

Recommendation: That the Finance and Audit Committee recommend that Council direct Staff to fund a temporary, full-time position for approximately 12 months in the Sustainability Section with up to $145,000 in funding as follows:

  • Reallocate $70,000 from the 2024 budget for the Building Retrofit Roadmap project;
  • Reallocate $40,000 from the 2024 budget for the E-Mobility Strategy project; and,
  • Allocate $35,000 from the Climate Action Reserve Fund.

To be introduced by Richard Harding, General Manager, Community Services/Deputy Chief Administrative Officer.

Purpose: To recommend that the Vancouver Island Military Museum operating model be aligned with those of the City’s co-managed cultural facilities.

Recommendation: That the Finance and Audit Committee recommend that Council approve realigning the Vancouver Island Military Museum operating model by:

  • Ending the requirement to pay annual rent for 100 Cameron Road beginning in 2025;
  • Directing Staff to assist the Vancouver Island Military Museum Board of Directors with establishing a general manager position;
  • Directing Staff to begin working to establish a Co-Management Agreement with the Vancouver Island Military Museum.

To be introduced by Richard Harding, General Manager, Community Services/Deputy Chief Administrative Officer.

Purpose: To review a late proposal and application for the 2024 Community Watershed Restoration Grant program.

Recommendation: That the Finance and Audit Committee recommend that Council approve the following 2024 Community Watershed Restoration Grant:

Applicant Name: John Barsby School

Project: Chase River Stewardship and Riparian Area Restoration

Amount: $2,634

To be introduced by Richard Harding, General Manager, Community Services/Deputy Chief Administrative Officer.

Purpose: To provide Council with an update regarding the review of the Culture grant programs and processes, and recommend Council add a decision point for Council consideration to the 2025 budget deliberations.


  1. Jaime-Brett Sine, Recreation Coordinator, Cultural Services.

Recommendation: That the Finance and Audit Committee recommend that Council add a decision point for Council consideration to the 2025 budget deliberations for:

  1. 10% annual increase for five years (2025 – 2029) in Project Grant funding; and
  2. $0.25 per capita annual increase for three years (2025 – 2027) in Operating Grant funding.

To be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services.

Purpose: To provide information in compliance with the City’s Procurement Policy (COU-209) regarding single and sole source purchases, awards in excess of $250,000 and reporting of instances of exceptions to Trade Agreements for the period 2024-APR-01 to 2024-JUN-30.

To be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services, and Bill Sims, General Manager, Public Works and Engineering.

Purpose: To provide the Finance and Audit Committee with information on potential projects for the Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant 2024 intake and obtain a Council resolution supporting applications for two projects.

Recommendation: That the Finance and Audit Committee recommend that Council direct Staff to submit two applications under the 2024 intake of the Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant Program as follows:

  1. Submit an application for ‘Crosswalk Upgrades that Improve Active Transportation’, with confirmation that the municipal share of funding of $487,289 is available and supported, confirmation that the project is a municipal priority, and that the project is “shovel ready” and intended to be complete within the required timeline.
  2. Submit an application for “Third Street Active Transportation Improvements’, with confirmation that the municipal share of funding of $459,000 is available and supported, confirmation that the project is a municipal priority, and that the project is “shovel ready” and intended to be complete within the required timeline.