AGENDADESIGN ADVISORY PANEL MEETINGThursday, February 27, 2025 at 5:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.Boardroom, Service and Resource Centre411 Dunsmuir Street, Nanaimo, BC1.CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: [Note: This meeting will be live streamed and video recorded for the public.]2.INTRODUCTION OF LATE ITEMS: 3.ADOPTION OF AGENDA: 4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES: 1.DAP250213M.pdfMinutes of the Design Advisory Panel meeting held in the Boardroom of the Service and Resource Centre, 411 Dunsmuir Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Thursday, 2025-FEB-13 at 5:01 p.m.5.PRESENTATIONS: a.Development Permit Application No. DP001366 - 5300 Tanya Drive 1.Staff Design Comment_DP1366.pdf2.DAP Attachment Package(1).pdfTo be introduced by Caleb Horn, Planner, Current Planning.The proposed development is a multi-family residential development consisting of 20 buildings in townhouse form and a combined total of 80 dwelling units.b.Development Permit Application No. DP001371 - 55, 65, 69 & 73 Prideaux Street 1.Staff Design Comment dp1371.pdf2.DAP Attachment Package.pdfTo be introduced by Kristine Mayes, Planner, Current Planning.The proposed development is a 116-unit multi-family development within a six-storey building form.6.OTHER BUSINESS: 7.ADJOURNMENT: No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.DAP250213M.pdf1.Staff Design Comment dp1371.pdf2.DAP Attachment Package.pdf1.Staff Design Comment_DP1366.pdf2.DAP Attachment Package(1).pdf