ADDENDUMREGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, May 16, 20223:00 p.m. To Proceed In Camera, Reconvene Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m.SHAW AUDITORIUM, VANCOUVER ISLAND CONFERENCE CENTRE80 COMMERCIAL STREET, NANAIMO, BCSCHEDULED RECESS 9:00 P.M.10.CONSENT ITEMS: Public Comments: c.Separately Addressed Consent Items: 1.Governance and Priorities Committee Recommendation 2022-MAY-09 Attachment A: Recommendation #27Change the buffer between industrial lands and the Cable Bay Trail from 50 metres to an average of 100 metres.1.Add Delegation - Paul Chapman 1.Delegation Request Paul Chapman.pdf2.Add Delegation - Liz Sparkes 1.Delegation Request Liz Sparkes.pdf3.Add Delegation - Erin Tzvetcoff 1.Delegation Request Erin Tzvetcoff.pdf4.Add Delegation - Jain Alcock-White 1.Delegation Request Jain Alcock-White .pdf5.Add Delegation - Paul Sadler 1.Delegation Request Paul Sadler.pdf6.Add Delegation - Bruce Martin 1.Delegation Request Bruce Martin.pdf12.REPORTS: Public Comments: c.CleanBC Communities Fund Grant Application for Mechanical Renewal at Nanaimo Aquatic Centre Public Comments: 1.Replace the introduction by Laura Mercer, Director, Finance with Bill Sims, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works. d.Development Permit Application No. DP1241 - 6330 McRobb Avenue Public Comments: 1.Add the following Delegations: 1.Delegation Request Robin Kelly .pdf2.Delegation Request Daryoush Firouzli.pdf Robin Kelley Daryoush Firouzli 15.OTHER BUSINESS: Public Comments: b.Councillor Hemmens - Motion re: Inclusion of Space for a New Primary Care Clinic Public Comments: 1.Councillor Hemmens - Motion re: Inclusion of Space for a New Primary Care Clinic Replace wording with the following:"That Council direct Staff to pursue the inclusion of space for a new primary care clinic in future public projects, such as the South End Community Centre."No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Delegation Request Bruce Martin.pdf1.Delegation Request Paul Sadler.pdf1.Delegation Request Paul Chapman.pdf1.Delegation Request Robin Kelly .pdf2.Delegation Request Daryoush Firouzli.pdf1.Delegation Request Liz Sparkes.pdf1.Delegation Request Erin Tzvetcoff.pdf1.Delegation Request Jain Alcock-White .pdf