Boardroom, Service and Resource Centre,
411 Dunsmuir Street, Nanaimo, BC

[Note:  This meeting will be live streamed and video recorded for the public.]

To be introduced by Kristine Mayes, Planner, Current Planning.

Application to be presented by Rad Homayoun, Architect.

Purpose: The proposed multi-family development is for one 3-storey building containing 10 dwelling units. Variances are requested to (1) increase the minimum front yard setback for the first storey from 3m to 4m; (2) reduce the minimum front yard setback for the second and third storeys from 4.0m to 3.0m; (3) reduce the minimum required landscape buffer from 1.8m to 0.9m and reduce the minimum landscape treatment level from 1 to 0; (4) reduce the drive aisle width from 5.5m to 3.66m; and (5) reduce the aisle width for parking space 9& 10 from 6.7 m to 3.66m

To be introduced by Kristine Mayes, Planner, Current Planning.

Application to be presented by Matthew Cheng, Architect.

Purpose: The proposed development is a 47-unit multi-family development within a four storey building form. Variances is requested to (1) reduce the front yard setback (along Holly Avenue) from 6.0m to 5.7m; and (2) increase the maximum height of a principal building.