
[Note:  This meeting will be live streamed and video recorded for the public.]

Minutes of the Special Governance and Priorities Committee Meeting held in the Shaw Auditorium, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Monday, 2020-SEP-21, at 10:30 a.m.

Minutes of the Governance and Priorities Committee Meeting held in the Shaw Auditorium, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Monday, 2020-OCT-05, at 1:00 p.m.

To be introduced by Dale Lindsay, General Manager, Development Services.

Purpose:  To provide Council with information related to short-term rental accommodation and recommend related amendments to the City of Nanaimo’s Business Licence, Zoning, and Parking bylaws.


1. David Stewart, Social Planner.


1. Barrie Page to speak regarding Airbnb short term rentals and unoccupied residences. 

Recommendation:  That the Governance and Priorities Committee recommend Council direct Staff to:

  1. Prepare amendments to the City of Nanaimo’s “Business Licence Bylaw 1998 No. 5351”, “City of Nanaimo Zoning Bylaw 2011 No. 4500”, and “Off-Street Parking Regulations Bylaw 2018 No. 7266” in order to:
    a) add a definition to “City of Nanaimo Zoning Bylaw 2011 No. 4500” for “Short-Term Rentals”;
    b) add the definition of “Permanent Resident”;
    c) permit short-term rentals in Residential, Commercial, Downtown, and Corridor zones where the operator is a permanent resident of the dwelling unit or suite;
    d) apply existing limits on the number of guests and guestrooms permitted within a bed and breakfast to all short-term rentals;
    e) continue to allow short-term rental guestrooms within a secondary suite provided the total number of long- and/or short-term rental rooms does not exceed two per dwelling unit (house and suite);
    f) require a business licence for all short-term rentals and bed and breakfasts within the City of Nanaimo based on proof of residency (including two of the following: voter registration, income tax returns, British Columbia driver’s licence, British Columbia medical services card, Home Owner Grant application, and British Columbia identification card); and
    g) require one additional parking space for each short-term rental.
  2. Prepare an explanatory guide and operator declaration form for short-term rentals that outlines short-term rental operator requirements, including providing contact information to Staff and neighbouring residences where the owner can be reached within 24 hours.
  3. Consult further with stakeholders and the public regarding Council’s recommended option before returning to Council with bylaw amendments.