Board Room, Service and Resource Centre,
411 Dunsmuir Street, Nanaimo, BC

[Note:  This meeting will be video recorded for the public.]

Minutes of Design Advisory Panel meeting held in the Boardroom of the Service and Resource Centre, 411 Dunsmuir Street, Nanaimo BC, on Thursday 2020-JUN-11.

A development permit application was submitted by 1228590 BC Ltd., for the development of a four-storey, multi-family residential building (87 market share rental units), with underground parking.  The subject property is legally described as Lot 12, Section 1, Nanaimo District, Plan 12987.

A development permit application was submitted by 1228581 BC Ltd., for the development of a group of three, four-storey, multi-family residential buildings (213 market share rental units), with underground parking.  The subject property is described as Section 27, Range 17 of Section 7, Nanaimo District, Plan 1332, except part in Plan 3212 RW and VIP84370.