Meeting #:
Board Room, Service and Resource Centre,
411 Dunsmuir Street, Nanaimo, BC

Minutes of the Open Meeting of the Community Planning and Development Committee held in the Board Room, Service and Resource Centre, 411 Dunsmuir Street, Nanaimo, BC, on Tuesday, 2018-FEB-20, at 5:00 p.m.

Purpose:  To present the Community Planning and Development Committee with an application to rezone the subject property at 311 Selby Street from Community Service Three (CS3) Zone to Fitzwilliam (DT2) Zone to allow an office use in the existing building and to facilitate future redevelopment of the property.

Recommendation:  That the Committee receive the report and provide a recommendation.

Purpose:  To present the Community Planning and Development Committee with an application to rezone the subject property at 2202 Meredith Road from Single Dwelling Residential (R1) to Townhouse Residential (R6) with site specific provisions to increase the maximum permitted building height and floor area ratio to allow an 8-unit multiple family development.

Recommendation:  That the Committee receive the report and provide a recommendation.


To present the Community Planning and Development Committee with the following:

a) Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. OCP87: To amend the land use designation within the Official Community Plan from Neighbourhood to Light Industrial; and the land use designation in the Chase River Neighbourhood Plan from Low-Medium Density Residential to Service Industrial Enterprise Area; and,

b) Rezoning Application No. RA386: To rezone subject property from Single Dwelling Residential – R1 to Highway Industrial – I1 in order to continue developing a self-storage business at 40 Maki Road.

Recommendation:  That the Committee receive the report and provide a recommendation.

Purpose:  To present the Community Planning and Development Committee with a report on the Draft Hospital Area Plan.

Recommendation:  That the Draft Hospital Area Plan report be received for information by the Community Planning and Development Committee.