AGENDASPECIAL FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETINGWednesday, December 04, 2024 at 9:00 A.m. - 4:00 P.m.SHAW AUDITORIUM, VANCOUVER ISLAND CONFERENCE CENTRE80 COMMERCIAL STREET, NANAIMO, BCSCHEDULED RECESS FOR 10:30 A.M. - 10:45 A.M. LUNCH RECESS 12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M. RECESS 2:30 P.M. - 2:45 P.M.1.CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: [Note: This meeting will be live streamed and video recorded for the public.]2.INTRODUCTION OF LATE ITEMS: 3.ADOPTION OF AGENDA: 4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES: 5.PRESENTATIONS: a.Nanaimo Area Land Trust 1.2024 CoN Funding Appeal_NALT_2slides.pdfTo be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services.Presentation: Paul Chapman, Executive Director, and Fraser Wilson, Board Member, Nanaimo Area Land Trust. b.CatNap Society To be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services.Presentation: Cathy Brzoza, Treasurer, Board of Directors, CatNap Society. [Note: PowerPoint presentation to be distributed on the addendum.]c.Vancouver Island Regional Library 1.NA Council VIRL 04122024.pdfTo be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services.Presentation: Ben Hyman, Executive Director, Vancouver Island Regional Library. d.Vancouver Island Conference Centre 1.2025 VICC Business Plan Update 12 04 2024.pdfTo be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services.Presentation: Chuck Loewen, General Manager, Vancouver Island Conference Centre. e.Nanaimo Systems Planning Organization Society To be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services.Presentation: John McCormick, Executive Director, and Don Bonner, Board Chair, Nanaimo Systems Planning Organization Society. [Note: PowerPoint presentation to be distributed on the addendum.]f.Nanaimo Prosperity Corporation To be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services.Presentation: Colin Stansfield, Chief Executive Officer, and Richard Horbachewski, Board Chair, Nanaimo Prosperity Corporation. [Note: PowerPoint presentation to be distributed on the addendum.]g.Tourism Nanaimo Society To be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services.Presentation: Carly Pereboom, Executive Director, Tourism Nanaimo Society. [Note: PowerPoint presentation to be distributed on the addendum.]h.Introduction of Council Decision Points 1.PPT_FA241204 Decision Slides Preview.pdfTo be introduced by Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services.Presentation: Laura Mercer, General Manager, Corporate Services. 6.REPORTS: 7.OTHER BUSINESS: 8.QUESTION PERIOD: 9.ADJOURNMENT: No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2024 CoN Funding Appeal_NALT_2slides.pdf1.2025 VICC Business Plan Update 12 04 2024.pdf1.PPT_FA241204 Decision Slides Preview.pdf1.NA Council VIRL 04122024.pdf